Nora Sternfeld is an educator and curator. Sternfeld is currently professor for curating and mediating art at the Aalto University in Helsinki and co-director of /ecm — Master’s Program in Exhibition Theory and Practice at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. She is part of trafo. K, office for art, education and critical knowledge production based in Vienna (w/Ines Garnitschnig, Renate Höllwart, and Elke Smodics), of the Viennese network schnittpunkt. exhibition theory & practice, and of freethought, a platform for research, education, and production based in London (w/Irit Rogoff, Stefano Harney, Adrian Heathfield, Mao Mollona, and Louis Moreno). In this context, Sternfeld was one of the artistic directors of the Bergen Assembly 2016. She has recently been appointed as the new documenta Professor at the Kassel School of Art and Design.